Frequently asked questions

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.

What is the entry procedure for the first round of judging?

There are three stages for the 2015 Summer Exhibition:

  • If you have already created an account on this website, please login. Otherwise, register your details to create an account.
  • Once you have created an account, you will be able to login to purchase your Entry Form. The link for purchasing a form will be available from Tuesday 6 January.
  • Fill in your artwork details using the online form and upload images of your work.

The deadline for purchasing an Entry Form and submitting the artwork details online, along with images of your work, is midnight (GMT) on Friday, 13 February 2015.

What happens if my work is shortlisted from the first round of judging?

If your work is shortlisted from the digital images, you will be asked to deliver it to the Academy. More information can be found in the section regarding the “Delivery & Collection Process” below.

How many works may I enter?

Up to 2

How much does it cost to enter?

£25 per work (non-refundable)

How do I pay for the Entry Form?

Entry Forms can only be purchased through the website, using a credit or debit card.

When is the deadline for purchasing a form?

The deadline for purchasing and submitting the completed Entry Form online for the 2015 Summer Exhibition, along with images of your work, is midnight (GMT) on Friday, 13 February 2015.

Will there be a cap to the number of entries?

Yes, entries will be capped at 12,000, which is in line with the maximum number of entries received in recent years. Last year, entries sold out before the deadline so we encourage artists to purchase theirs as soon as possible.

Once I have registered and purchased an Entry Form online, can I go back at a later date to enter my artwork details?

Yes. Once you have purchased your Entry Form online, you can enter your artwork details at a later date. You can also edit the details and save your progress. However, you must submit your completed Entry Form by midnight (GMT) on Friday, 13 February 2015.

Can I have a refund if I buy a form for 2 works but only submit 1, or withdraw my application entirely?

No. The registration fee is non-refundable.

If I purchase an Entry Form for one work online, and then later decide I want to submit two works, what do I do?

You will NOT be able to add a second work to your account at a later date. As outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Entry, only one Entry Form may be submitted by an artist. 

In the event of Entry Form misuse where it transpires that you have used more than one Entry Form, the RA reserves the right to ban you from entering the forthcoming Exhibition and any Exhibition in the future.

Can I enter using a pseudonym?

Artists can use a pseudonym. The details must be put in the name field on the Entry Form and all correspondence will be sent to this name. If your pseudonym takes up only one name field on the Entry Form, please contact the Summer Exhibition office so that we can amend this information for you.

Is it possible to purchase an Entry Form on behalf of an artist?

Yes, but it is imperative that you enter the artist’s name on the Entry Form as the accounts are non-transferable.

If you will be representing the artist through the course of the submission/exhibition process, there will be an option on the Artist Registration page that will allow you to indicate this. It is imperative that you enter the artist’s name on the Entry Form but you may enter your details in the first row of the address section by writing ‘c/o’ and then your name.

I would like to purchase Entry Forms on behalf of more than one artist, can I do this?

There will be an option on the Artist Registration page that will allow you to indicate that you are representing more than one individual artist. If you choose this option, you must contact the Summer Exhibition Office.

The digital system allows artists to enter all of their information online, including their contact and artwork details. Where possible, we suggest that all artists complete their details themselves.

Can I enter as part of a collaboration?

Yes, but please note that an artist may only submit a maximum of two works in total (i.e. you may not submit two works as a collaboration and then two works as an individual artist).

There will be an option on the Artist Registration page that will allow you to indicate that you are working as part of a collaboration.

My collaboration consists of more than two people. Can I still enter?

Yes, but please contact us so that our office can make a note of all of the names in the collaboration.

Please note that an artist may only submit a maximum of two works in total (i.e. you may not submit two works as a collaboration and then two works as an individual artist).

What if I miss the deadline?

No late submissions will be accepted.

Who can enter?


Do you have an age limit to enter?


Can I enter if I am not a trained artist?


Can I enter if I live abroad?


I am having a problem proceeding with my registration. What do I do?

Firstly, make sure that your internet browser is up-to-date. Some older versions of Internet Explorer do not work properly with the website. Therefore, please try another browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. If the problem continues, please let us know using the contact us form on our website.

I’ve registered, but I can’t seem to login to my account. What do I do?

Once you have registered by entering your details and an email address, you will receive an email from us with a verification link. You must click this link to activate your account. After you have activated your account, you will be able to login. Please note that this link only needs to be clicked once. If you click it a second time, you may get an error message but your account will still be active. Please check your spam/junk folder if you are unable to find this email in your inbox.

I have not received the confirmation email to activate my account. What do I do?

Please check your spam/junk folder if you are unable to find this email in your inbox. If you have a personalised web domain, it may also take slightly longer to receive our email due to the filters on your website.

You can also prevent our emails going to your junk/spam folder by adding the following email to your contact list: [email protected]

If you have not received your registration email in 24 hours, please contact us.

I’ve tried resetting my password by clicking the ‘Forgotten Your Password’ link on the homepage, but I can’t login. What do I do?

Firstly, make sure you have activated your account before trying to change your password (see above). If your account is not activated, you will not be able to login.

Secondly, make sure that your internet browser is up-to-date. Some older versions of Internet Explorer are not compatible with the website. Therefore, ensure that your Internet Explorer is the latest version or please try another browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Also, please ensure that you only have one browser window open when you login; you may not be able to login if you have multiple windows or tabs open.

When I try to purchase an Entry Form, I am receiving an error that indicates that the Billing State value is too long. How do I fix this?

If your address is based in the United States, this error could be appearing because you have entered the full state name in the 'county' field rather than the two-letter abbreviation. Therefore, please change your state code by editing your address details from your account page. Once you have amended these details, please try to process your payment again.

How do I know if my Entry Form has been submitted successfully?

When the details of your artwork have been completed, the status of your artwork will say ‘Ready for Submission’ on your account page. At the bottom of the page, a button will appear that says ‘Review Details and Submit Entry’. Once you have reviewed your details and have clicked ‘Submit Entry’, the status of your artwork will change to ‘Pending’. If your artwork status does not say ‘Pending’ before the first round of judging has taken place, then your entry has not been submitted to the Selection Committee.

Is there any advice on how I should photograph my work?

A link to a video tutorial on how to photograph your work can be found here. You can also read more detailed information on how to photograph your work here.

How many images of my work do I upload to My Account?

Works of sculpture, architecture models and artist’s books must have three images uploaded, showing the work from different angles. All other works require at least one primary image, but are allowed two additional ‘detail’ images.

If I have the option to upload three images per work, can I upload images of three different artworks?

No. If you upload images of different artworks in the three available spaces, only the first image will be judged.

Should I include the frame of my artwork in the images that I upload to My Account?

The image that you upload of your artwork can include or exclude the frame – it’s up to you. You will actually be able to upload three images of each work, so one image could include the frame and one could not.

What are the requirements for the images that I upload to My Account?

Images must be in one of the following formats: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG. Each image must not exceed 3MB. If your image is in portrait format, the height of your image must be at least 1080 pixels. If your image is in landscape format, the width must be at least 1920 pixels (it can be less only if the height is at least 1080 pixels). There are plenty of free online tools that will resize images for you.

The orientation of my artwork image is the wrong way around. What should I do?

Make sure the orientation of your image is correct before uploading it to your account. To do this, open the image file on your computer and look for an option to edit or rotate. Once you have the image in the correct orientation, you can then upload it to your account.

The Terms & Conditions state that copies of an original work are inadmissible. What is meant by ‘copies’ of work?

Please note that copies of work, for example prints (such as giclée prints) made from original paintings or drawings, will not be accepted.

I am submitting a print and would also like to sell editions of the same print, but in a different size format. Is this acceptable?

No. Though you may sell editions of your work, they must be exactly the same as the exhibited piece in terms of size, medium and colour tone.

In line with the above, we do not accept editions of works which exist in other forms. For example, you cannot sell editions of a drawing or painting.

I am submitting a sculpture and would also like to sell editions cast in another material. Is this acceptable?

No. As with prints, you may sell editions of your work but they must be exactly the same as the exhibited piece in terms of size, medium and colour tone.

For example, if your submitted sculpture is made of steel, you may not sell bronze editions.

Do I have to frame my oil/acrylic paintings?

No. Shortlisted entries may be delivered unframed but the Royal Academy cannot accept liability for such works. The Royal Academy is also not able to accept liability for photographic works mounted on aluminium or similar materials. If you decide not to frame your work you are advised to submit it in a simple travel frame, indicating that it should remain in the frame until it is hung. This will act as a frame, protecting the work during storage.

Do I have to frame my drawings?

Yes. Other works such as watercolours and prints must be framed behind glass. However, you do not have to have your work framed until you have been shortlisted.  If you choose not to frame your work before the first round of judging, please estimate the dimensions including a frame when entering in the artwork details.

Is there a preferred type of frame for artworks?

You are strongly encouraged to use simple, neutral coloured frames. Metal, glass and Perspex clip frames are not acceptable.

Are there any size restrictions?

Maximum size for a submitted work (excluding sculpture and architecture models) is 244 x 350 cm. However, any one part of a large sculpture or architecture model should not exceed 200cm on the longest side and the total weight may be no more than 3,000kg when packed.

Can I enter diptychs/triptychs as one work?

Yes, but the parts must be securely fixed together with a baton or within a simple travel frame and the overall size must not exceed 244 x 350 cm. The parts must also be labelled (for example, 1 of 2 and 2 of 2).

I want to submit a work in the architecture category, but the project consists of more than one drawing/model. What do I do?

A work of architecture may consist of several drawings or models of one project. However, they must be mounted on a single backing, contained within one frame or included within one model case.

How recent does the work need to be?

Preferably created within the last 2 years.

My work is site specific, am I eligible to enter?

No, it is not possible to create a site specific work as all shortlisted entries will have to go through a judging panel on the allocated dates.

I am unsure as to which category my work falls under (for example, I want to submit a double-sided painting/wall-based sculpture). Which category do I choose?

The ‘Type of Work’ category you choose will determine which Members of the Selection Committee will judge your work.

For example, if you want the Sculptor Members of the Committee to judge your work, please select ‘Sculpture’ from the drop-down list in the ‘Type of Work’ section.

A full list of categories can be found below.

Which categories are judged by which Members of the Selection Committee?

Architecture Members will judge Architectural wall-based and Architectural model. They will not judge works from the Drawing category. They may also judge an Audio visual work, should they find it relevant to their category.

Sculpture Members will judge Sculpture only. They will not judge Mixed Media submissions.

Printmaking and Painting Members will judge Artist’s book, Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Photograph, Print and Watercolour. They may also judge an Audio visual work, should they find it relevant to their category.

Am I eligible if my work is an artist’s book?


I’m entering an artist’s book, but I’m not sure which images to submit for the first round of judging. What should I do?

For the first round of judging, your primary image should be of the whole book so the Selection Committee can get an idea of how it would be displayed if selected. The judges must see the whole book and not just images of individual pages. That said, the detail images can then be of individual pages.

What is the procedure for submitting a shortlisted artist’s books?

Shortlisted artists’ books should be submitted in a box (for protection purposes only – not to be exhibited) with the sticky label on the outside of the box and the tie-on label looped around the book’s spine. More information regarding barcodes and labels can be found in the section regarding the “Delivery & Collection Process” below.

Am I eligible if my work is audio-visual (film-based)?


What is the procedure for submitting audio-visual (film-based) works?

Artists submitting audio-visual works will need to purchase their Entry Form online. However, film-based works cannot be uploaded to the online accounts. Therefore each film-based work must be posted to the Royal Academy on a DVD or sent via Hightail/WeTransfer. Please contact us once you have purchased an Entry Form for details on where to send the file.

The entry must be in a QuickTime file format (.mov). We are unable to accept films submitted in any other format. Please do not include a menu screen.

You must submit your online Entry Form by 13 February 2015. If you are sending your audio visual work by post (on a DVD) we must receive it by 17 February 2015.

Can I send in printed matter to support my submission?

Unfortunately, we will not be able to view artist catalogues and/or additional prints at any stage of the competition.

If your work is shortlisted in the first round, you will be asked to submit a 100 word statement regarding your shortlisted work. This is for press and publicity purposes only, and will not affect the judges' decision.

If your work is exhibited, you will be invited to submit a biography on a single-sided page of A4.

Does my work need to be for sale?

Preferably, but if your work is not for sale, you will be able to indicate this when filling in your artwork details online.

Does the Academy take commission on the sale of my artwork?

Yes. If you are VAT registered, please ensure that you include VAT on your total retail price. Of this total retail price, the Academy will collect 30% at the point of sale.

If you are not VAT registered, you do not need to include VAT on the total retail price. However, the Academy will collect 30% plus VAT (20%) on that commission. This works out to be 36% of the total retail price.

If my work is for sale, do I have to be VAT registered?

The answer to this question depends on whether you reside in or outside the UK.

If you reside IN the UK (according to the address you register when submitting your details), you will only need to be VAT registered if you reach the threshold as outlined by HM Revenue & Customs (

However, if you reside OUTSIDE the UK (according to the address you register when submitting your details), you MUST be VAT registered in the UK, regardless of whether you reach the threshold or not. This is in line with recent updates by HM Revenue & Customs (

VAT numbers from other countries will NOT be accepted. A valid UK VAT number will be prefaced with the letters “GB”.

As an artist based outside the UK, my work is for sale but I do not yet have a VAT number. What do I do?

You must apply for a VAT number as soon as possible if you reside outside the UK and wish to sell your work. It is free to apply and can be done through the HM Revenue & Customs website (

In the meantime, you can still enter the price of your artwork and submit your Entry Form online, but if your work is shortlisted we must receive your VAT number by Monday, 18 May 2015 or we will have to list your work as Not for Sale in the catalogue.

Once you have your VAT number, you must contact the Summer Exhibition Office to supply us with this information.

What is the judging process?

There are three stages:

  • In the first round, the Selection Committee will convene and all submissions will be judged separately from digital images shown on a large, high definition screen. If shortlisted, you will then be sent a barcode and labels pack, and invited to deliver your work to the Academy. Notifications for the first round will be sent by email on 13 March.
  • The works that are shortlisted and delivered for the second round will be reviewed by the Selection Committee. Works that make it through this second round will go through a final selection process. Notifications for the second round will be sent by email on 1 May.
  • The final selection process will determine which works are exhibited. Notifications for the final round will be sent by email on 21 May.

How will I be notified of the status of my artwork?

The digital system allows artists to follow their progress and check the status of their work by visiting their online account. Artists will also be emailed each time their status changes.

Who decides whether or not my work is chosen and hung in the exhibition?

The works will be judged by the Summer Exhibition Selection Committee, which is comprised of around a dozen Royal Academicians, all of whom are painters, sculptors, printmakers, or architects.

Can I appeal if my work is not selected?

No. To ensure fairness and impartiality, the Selection Committee’s decision is final.

How do I deliver my shortlisted artwork?

You may only deliver your work if you have been shortlisted in the first round. Shortlisted entrants will be sent a set of hardcopy barcodes and labels that will need to be affixed to their work for delivery.

Please refer below for details regarding specific delivery days for your type of work.

What happens if my work is shortlisted but I do not receive the hardcopy barcodes and labels in the post?

The digital system will allow you to print out a copy of your barcode, along with the details of your shortlisted work. If you do not receive the hardcopy barcodes and labels by post, please affix the print-out to the back of your work.

If I am shortlisted in the first round, can I swap my barcodes with my friend who also enters a work?

No. Each shortlisted artist will be sent a set of unique barcodes which will correspond to their work only.

When do I deliver my shortlisted artwork?

The date you deliver your shortlisted artwork will depend on your country of residence (as completed on your Entry Form) and the type of work you have submitted.

UK Artists (Artist’s Book, Drawing, Painting, Photograph, Print, Mixed Media, Watercolour)
Monday 30 March     8am – 7pm
Tuesday 31 March    8am – 7pm
Wednesday 1 April    8am – 1pm

Wednesday 29 April    8am – 7pm

Architecture (Models and Wall-Based Works)
Thursday 30 April    8am – 7pm

International Artists only (Shortlisted works in any category and medium)
Wednesday 29 April    8am – 7pm

When completing my application, I entered my country of residence as the UK even though I am abroad. Can I deliver my work on the day for International artists?

No. If you entered a UK address on your Entry Form, you may only deliver your shortlisted entry on the days allocated to UK artists. If you attempt to deliver your work on the day allocated to International artists, your work will not be accepted.

My work is three-dimensional but was judged in the Mixed Media category. When do I deliver my artwork?

If you are a UK-based artist (as indicated on your Entry Form) and your shortlisted work was submitted under the category of Mixed Media, you must deliver it on one of the following days:

Monday 30 March   8am – 7pm
Tuesday 31 March   8am – 7pm
Wednesday 1 April   8am – 1pm

If you miss these delivery days, you will NOT be able to submit it on the later day designated for Sculpture entries.

Do I have to deliver the shortlisted work myself?

No. If you are invited to deliver your work for the second round of judging, you may ask a friend or a transport agent to deliver it on your behalf. Please note that the work must be unwrapped on arrival before being presented to our art handling team. However if your work is unframed and you would like it to remain in a simple travel frame for protection until it is hung, you may do so as long as the work is visible for judging.

Can I post my shortlisted work to the RA?

No. You may arrange to post the work to a transport agent who could then deliver it unwrapped on the appropriate day, but the Academy will not accept works that are sent directly to us by post or couriers (such as FedEx, DHL, etc.).

Do I get a receipt when I deliver my shortlisted work?

Though you will not receive a physical receipt when your work is delivered, it will be scanned on arrival and the date of delivery will be shown on your online account.

When do I collect my shortlisted work if it is not chosen for the exhibition?

11 May – 5 June 2015

(Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 4pm, Saturdays from 9am to 4pm, excluding Bank Holidays)

Notification will be sent on 1 May 2015 to artists whose shortlisted work has not made it to the final stage.

Those who make it through to the final round, but are not exhibited, will be notified on 21 May 2015 and will be able to collect their work as soon as they receive this communication.

When can I collect my work if it is accepted and hung in the exhibition?

22 August – 11 September 2015

(Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 4pm, Saturdays from 9am to 4pm, excluding Bank Holidays)

What will happen to my work if I don’t collect it? Will I have to pay a storage charge?

Once the collection period has ended there is storage charge of £15 per work per week.

I have missed the deadline for collecting my shortlisted artwork. What do I do?

If you have not collected your shortlisted artwork by the collection deadline (Friday, 5 June 2015), you must make an appointment to collect the artwork. To book an appointment, please email [email protected].

Collection appointments will be restricted to Monday to Friday only, but you must book a time in advance before collecting your artwork.

As outlined in the Terms and Conditions and notification email, the RA will charge a storage fee of £15 per work, per week. The fee can be paid either by cash or credit/debit card upon arrival.

Are there any prizes for the Summer Exhibition?

The prizes for the 2015 Summer Exhibition include:

The Royal Academy of Arts Charles Wollaston Award
£25,000 for the most distinguished work in the exhibition

The Jack Goldhill Award for Sculpture
£10,000 for a sculpture

The Hugh Casson Drawing Prize
£5,000 for an original work on paper in any medium, where the emphasis is clearly on drawing

The Sunny Dupree Family Award for a Woman Artist
£3,500 for a painting or sculpture

The London Original Print Fair Prize
(Sponsored by Towry)
£2,000 for a print in any medium

Arts Club Charitable Trust Award
£2,000 for a work in any medium (except architecture)

The British Institution Awards for Students
Four prizes of £1,000 each awarded to student exhibitors for paintings, works on paper, sculpture and architecture

The Rose Award for Photography
£1,000 for a photograph or series of photographs

If I want to enter a particular prize, such as the Wollaston Award, how do I go about it?

There is no application procedure as such. All exhibited works will be judged automatically according to their categories.

When will the prizes be announced?

Most will be announced on Non-Members’ Varnishing Day, but the Wollaston Award will be announced separately on a date to be confirmed.

If my work is exhibited, when is the private view for exhibitors?

Monday, 1 June 2015. Details regarding the event (called Non-Members’ Varnishing Day) will be printed on your notification letter if your work is exhibited.

Can exhibitors bring any guests to the Varnishing Day?

No, the event is for exhibitors only.

Will there be an Illustrated Catalogue for the Summer Exhibition 2015?

Yes, but it will only feature selected works from the exhibition.

It will be available from the RA shop and online.

I’m exhibiting work in the Summer Exhibition but how do I know if my work has been sold?

When an exhibited work is sold, the buyer signs a white ‘Offer to Purchase’ slip which will be posted to your address. A red spot will be also be displayed on the catalogue number plate in the galleries to indicate that an offer has been made on your work.

If you have sold editions of your work, you will receive a Sales Report as an attachment by email within roughly two weeks of the offer being placed. A red spot will also be displayed on the frame or near to the artwork to indicate that an offer has been made on one of the editions.

What do I do when I receive the exhibited ‘Offer to Purchase’ slip or Sales Report?

Once you have received the white ‘Offer to Purchase’ slip for the exhibited artwork or the Sales Report for editions, you will need to contact the buyer in order to obtain the payment due to you.

How much does the buyer owe me for my work?

For the exhibited work, the amount owed to you will appear on the Offer to Purchase slip under the heading ‘Payment Due To Artist’.

For editions, the amount owed to you will appear on the Sales Report under the heading 'Payment To Artist'.

On the ‘Offer to Purchase’, what is meant by ‘Deposit (Payable To Royal Academy)’?

The deposit refers to the commission retained by the Royal Academy. The commission of all artworks sold (including editions) goes to support the Royal Academy Schools and the programme of exhibitions.

How much is the Academy’s commission?

The Academy’s commission is 30% (plus VAT). Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for further details.

I have had difficulties contacting the buyer of my artwork. What should I do?

Once you have accepted the offer, if you do not receive a response from the buyer of your work within four weeks, please contact us.

I have sold my exhibited work in the Summer Exhibition and have collected the remaining payment from the buyer. What do I do next?

If you have received the balance of payment for the exhibited work, please sign and post the small, grey Removal Order card to the buyer so that they may collect the work directly from the Academy.

What is the ‘Removal Order’?

The ‘Removal Order’ is a small card that is posted to all exhibitors in the Summer Exhibition. It specifies the name of the artist and the title of the artwork. The name of the individual collecting the work must be written on the card, which must be signed by the artist. This is a legal document and the work will only be released by the Academy upon presentation of this card.

I’ve misplaced my Removal Order. What do I do?

If you have misplaced your Removal Order, please contact us as soon as possible.

Can I use a digital copy or scan of my Removal Order?

No. The Removal Order is a legal document, therefore no digital copies or scanned versions will be accepted. The individual collecting the artwork from the Academy must have the hardcopy Removal Order.

Does the Academy arrange collection or shipment of sold work?

No. Collection or shipment of the work is arranged between the artist and the buyer.

Does the Academy cover the shipping costs of a sold exhibited work?

No. Payment of any shipping costs involved in the sale of an exhibited work must be settled between the artist and the buyer.

Does the Academy cover the shipping costs of an unframed edition?

No. As stated our Entry Rules, all prices stated in the Entry Form should include UK postage and packing for sending unframed editions of prints to purchasers.

The buyer of my work lives overseas. Who covers the cost of shipping the work?

If the buyer resides outside of the United Kingdom, he or she must bear the transportation and importation costs.

When does my exhibited artwork need to be collected?

All exhibited artworks, whether they are sold or unsold, must be collected from the Academy between Saturday, 22nd August and Friday, 11th September 2015. Collections can be made from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. No collections are possible on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Failure to collect the work within these dates may result in a storage fee of £15 per work, per week.

Do I need to inform the Academy if I sell my work after the exhibition has closed?

Yes. As outlined in our Terms and Conditions, where a sale is made as a direct or indirect result of its display in the Exhibition (incl. editions of exhibited work), commission is payable and you should notify the Academy.

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Summer Exhibition 2024

Entry to the Summer Exhibition 2024 opens on Tuesday 9 January and the digital submission deadline is 23:59 (GMT) on Tuesday 13 February.

Entry will be limited to 16,500 submissions and it will not be possible to purchase entry once that number is reached.

Please see the below exhibition schedule and our FAQ for further information.

Summer Exhibition Coordinator 2024

Ann Christopher RA

‘As coordinator for the 2024 Summer Exhibition,

I plan to explore the idea of making space, whether giving space or taking space. This can be interpreted in various ways: to make space can mean openness – making space for something or someone, also making space between things.

It is my belief that the spaces in between are as important as whatever those spaces separate. Spaces can not only dramatically enhance the actual works on the wall but also the pleasure of viewing them. In terms of sculpture – well that gives off its own demand for space around it.

On behalf of the Summer Exhibition Committee I would like to say send in your best work whatever its medium or category and we will endeavour to give it space.


Summer Exhibition Committee 2024

Hurvin Anderson RA, Ann Christopher RA, Anne Desmet RA, Assemble RA, Hughie O’Donoghue RA, Cornelia Parker RA, Veronica Ryan RA


2021 Timeline

Purchase and Submission of Entry Form and Digital Images

5 January to 12 February


11 March - first round of judging (from digital images)

19 May - second round of judging (from shortlisted work)

28 May - final results

Delivery of shortlisted works selected from digital images

The date you deliver your shortlisted artwork will depend on the type of work you have submitted (as completed on your Entry Form). Please note, artists are only required to deliver work if shortlisted from the first round of judging.

Tuesday 10 May    8am – 7pm

Architecture (Models and Wall-Based Work)
Wednesday 11 May    8am – 5pm

Two-dimensional work (Artist’s Book, Drawing, Painting, Photograph, Print, Mixed Media, Watercolour)
Thursday 12 May     10am – 7pm
Friday 13 May    8am – 5pm

Summer Exhibition 2016 Co-ordinator

Richard Wilson

Selection and Hanging Committee 2016

Stephen Chambers, Louisa Hutton, Bill Jacklin, Jock McFadyen, David Mach, Cathie Pilkington, David Remfry, Ian Ritchie and Bill Woodrow

Office Hours

The Summer Exhibition Office is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm. If you have a query regarding the submission process, please Contact Us and we will respond within three working days.

Helpful Links

Terms and Conditions

Entry Rules

Video Tutorial: How To Photograph Your Work

How To Photograph Your Work (PDF)

Suggested Transport Agents (PDF)

VAT Information (International Artists) (PDF)

Member Rules